Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Schools out for summer...

Okay, maybe not so much for summer, but it is out for Christmas break. I just felt that a title that mimics that song "Schools out for Summer" would be much cooler than a title that mimics the song but says "Schools out for Winter Break" It just doesn't flow the right way. But anyways, in response to school being out for break, I must say, WOOHOOBIE! (and yes I did say woohoobie, where this words exact origin is from is unbeknownst to me, but it does give me the opportunity to say both woohoobie and unbeknownst, so that makes for an interesting blog in itself.)

Now back to more important topics, my pregnancy! Well in reality I don't have much to update on concerning my pregnancy. I am 25 weeks and 1 day today, so that is a good thing! In 5 weeks and 5 days I will be the farthest along pregnancy-wise that I have ever been. It is scary to think that something like an arrythmia could happen again, but luckily the echo was good, the doctors are on top of my care 150%, and I know that if I get any inkling or feeling of something being wrong that the doctors will take care of it in a heartbeat. And that is the goal, that heartbeat, and it remaining regular and healthy in our little guy. I also wanted to update that we have scheduled our c-section date. Now before you go on to say, "Hey wait a minute, I thought she was going to VBAC...?" I advise you to hold your tongue! I am going to VBAC or at least do what I can to try. What we all have to understand is that with a VBAC there are certain limitations and rules that need to be adhered to to prevent anything bad from happening. Some of these are not using drugs to progress labor and the like. The reason we have to schedule a c-section is that sometimes things don't always go as planned. I may, for example, not go into labor, or the baby may be breach, etc etc and they like to have a scheduled section so that if medically necessary a cesarean can be performed without rushing around like a bunch of fuddy-duddys trying to organize a surgery. So as I said, hold your tongue, because I am the Little Engine that could and will be the Little Engine that Did...have a VBAC!

Now back to Christmas break. As fun as pregnancy is and as interesting as my babblage is, there is nothing like the start of a break from school!! I am excited for Christmas, I am ecstatic that I will get to see family, not to mention the fact that when I do go back to school I will only have about 9ish weeks of pregnohood until I get to meet my little man! I think over break I will start to look into books that are specifically about birth to start to mentally prepare myself for my unmedicated birth. Yes, I did say unmedicated! Now don't get me wrong, if I have to have a c-section than bring on the drugs, but seeing as I am trying to have a vaginal delivery, I am shooting for a drug free birth. Hey, you remember that phrase, "drug free's the way to be" Well the same applies here. Epidurals can make it medically necessary for other interventions such as catheters, IVs, complete bedrest, and I am really feeling that is not the way to go. Not to mention the fact that they can lower mom's blood pressure, cause late decelerations in the baby, make it more difficult to push, and increase the need of a c-section. I already did the c-section thing and if I can do ANYTHING in my power to reduce the chances of a recurrence, than I will!

Well I have so much more to say, maybe not so interesting, and I find it amusing that I start out talking about Christmas break and get right back into pregnancy...I guess pregnancy is more interesting after all. So with this I bid you all farewell, I am off to shower and to go to work and to enjoy the sheer bliss of Christmas Break (or at least the start of Christmas break!)

1 comment:

Erin said...

Chels, I am so glad that everything is going well... I hope you have a wonderful Christmas break... Lots of love!