Sunday, October 14, 2007

I'm back!

Okay, no excuses now, I need to journal and I need to do it more frequently!!!
I guess I have a lot to update on!

First of all, the Philadelphia Zoo. I had an awesome time with all the girls. They were all so amazing and it was so cool to finally be able to put a "real" person to all the posts. Now don't get me wrong, I am not saying they were unreal, but it is nice to actually get to talk in person and really interact with the girls. And oh my goodness were the babies adorable, they were so cute and chill and awesome and I just wanted to hug and kiss them all! It was just sad for everyone to leave, but hopefully we will be getting together again!

As for baby, everything is going well. Baby has been super active lately, I started feeling movement around 12 weeks, but I would only feel it every few days. Than it eventually moved to every other day, than once a day, now I feel the baby move several times a day and it is awesome. I feel so connected to baby when I can feel him/her thumping around in there. I had my 16 week appointment on Friday. Everything went great! I am only up about 4 pounds, but when I weighed myself today I was only up 3, so it is in that ballpark range. My blood pressure was perfect too. My uterus was mearuing perfectyl and baby's heartbeat was right on at 160, a nice reassuring heartbeat according to Dr. Gerson. If we go by the heartbeat theory, than baby is a girl, but we will see in about three weeks because my next ultrasound is in that time! I haven't scheduled it yet, but I am going for Wednesday, November 7th. I will call on Monday and see what they have! I also asked about a fetal echo at the appointment and we will schedule one with Dr. Bhat between 22-24 weeks so lets cross our fingers that everything is okay! He also said our results from the sequential screen were "perfect" and that they don't normally see such good numbers from only the first half, they usually see numbers like that when all parts were complete and the numbers calculated, pretty awesome!

School has been good, clinicals are definitely more interesting at the Middle School, I actually get to do nursing related tasks. I get to see the students and give medications for pain, ice, examine injuries, etc. so definitely pretty cool.
All in all, I think everything is going really good! School is good, baby is good, I am feeling great, Matt's good! I am definitely feeling the good!

My 15 week and 5 day belly pic!

My Painted Belly at 14 weeks and 5 days!